The difficult entry and rescue by horizontal manholes thing of the past with the RescueSlide® HONOR! These specially designed rescue slide is simply clamped to the flange and makes it easy to enter tanks and the like. Because a rope ladder is particularly unstable and cross ladders tanks can not be placed HONOR has developed a aluminum hanging ladder in small diameter which is attached to the Rescue Slide.

Easily accessed and quickl rescue from tanks and other confined spaces
In the event of an emergency people can properly and quickly rescued from the confined space. The ergonomic design of the slide prevents a user or a victim suffering injury here. The HONOR Rescue Slide can be used independently and in combination with a flange clamp anchor fall arrest device and with integrated redfunctie.
Rescue Slide (rescue chute) and Hang Ladder
Because a rope ladder is particularly unstable and cross ladders has not been able to be placed in small tanks diameter HONOR developed a Hang-Ladder system which is attached to the Rescue Slide. Hang The ladder is made up of 1 meter lengths, which are hinged to the slide and Rescue each other. For example, this system can easily be introduced from the outer side manhole in the vessel and after the termination operations removed again!